
quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014

New song! The winner of the voice Brazil sings "Be With Me"

Sam Alves, winner of the Brazilian version of "The Voice" sings  "Be With Me", his new song, written by him. The song is in his CD SAM ALVES. Check it out!

Funny intreview with Demi Lovato in Brazil

Brazilian Mother mad at Demi Lovato on TV

Lovatic show tatoos about Demi and sing "Heart Attack" and "Girl On Fire".

Brazilian Mother mad at Demi Lovato

Lovatic: Hey mom, what are you talking about Demi Lovato?
Mother: Demi Lovato does not pay your bill
Lovatic: So what?
Mother: So, tell her to bring the money for you to pay your bill.
Lovatic: But... I like her and I am going to her concert and I'll pay whatever it takes!
Mother: Demi Lovato will not pay your bill, honey!!!
Lovatic: Why have not you gave me the money for my engligh course?
Mother: I will not give you the money, go ask Demi Lovato.
Lovatic: But mom! Demi Lovato pays only dollars.
Friend: Instead of sending letters to Demi, send the internet bill.
Mother: I am going to send the internet bill to Demi, because he spends only seeing Demi. Give me money, Demi Lovato.
Lovatic: Mom, sing "Heart Attack".
Friend: Sing "girl on fire".
 They sing.
Mother : Who is going to pay Alexandre's bill? It is Demi Lovato!

Iguaçu Waterfall

Brazilian Waterfall

Brazilian Island

Fernando de Noronha is a Brazilian Island.

About Brazil.

Brazil, written in Portuguese, with "s" (Brasil), is the largest country in South America.
The country will host the World Cup 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.
On the flag is written "order and progress"